First GPU version of the DL_MESO_DPD code

DL_MESO_DPD, is the Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) code from the mesoscopic simulation package DL_MESO [1], developed by Dr. Michael Seaton at Daresbury Laboratory (UK). This open source code is available from Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) under both academic (free) and commercial (paid) licenses. E-CAM’s Work-package 4 (WP4), Meso and Multi-scale Modelling, makes use of the DL_MESO_DPD code. See this article on our news feed, for more information on how it is used within E-CAM.

In order to accelerate the DL_MESO_DPD code on the latest and future exascale hardware, a first version for NVidia GPUs has been developed. This is only a starting point, it does not yet cover all the possible cases and it does not yet support multiple GPUs. However, it represents an HPC milestone for the application, complementing the already present parallel versions developed for shared and distributed memory (MPI/OpenMP).

Module documentation including purpose, testing and background information, can be found here. The GPU-version to CPU-version performance analysis can be found in the module documentation and in deliverable D7.2.: E-CAM software porting and benchmarking data I, recently submitted to the EU.

[1] Michael A. Seaton, Richard L. Anderson, SebastianMetz, andWilliamSmith. DL_meso: highly scalable mesoscale simulations. Molecular Simulation, 39(10):796–821, September 2013.
