Few software, like DL_MESO, userMESO and LAMMPS, can currently simulate large Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) simulations. In particular, DL_MESO [1, 2] has recently been ported to multi-GPU architectures and runs efficiently up to 4096 GPUs, an effort supported by E-CAM.
In this E-CAM Extended Software Development Workshop, the developers of the DL_MESO code themselves will provide an introduction to DPD, DL_MESO, its features and functionalities, as well as they will initiate participants to parallel programming of hybrid CPU-GPU systems. Part of the workshop will be dedicated to theory lectures and hands-on sessions on GPU architectures and OpenACC (NVidia DLI course) given by an NVidia DLI Certified Instructor, followed by the practical case of porting DL_MESO to OpenACC.
Interested in participating? Join us on the 18-22 January for this ONLINE course. Express your motivation to attend the workshop directly through the CECAM website at https://www.cecam.org/workshop-details/8
[1] DL_MESO is a general purpose mesoscopic simulation package developed at Daresbury Laboratory by Dr. Michael Seaton : http://www.cse.clrc.ac.uk/ccg/software/DL_MESO/ [2] M. A. Seaton, R. L. Anderson, S.Metz, and W. Smith, “DL_MESO: highly scalable mesoscale simulations,”Molecular Simulation, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 796–821, Sep. 2013