DBCSR@MatrixSwitch, an optimised library to deal with sparse matrices

MatrixSwitch is a module which acts as an intermediary interface layer between high-level and low-level routines dealing with matrix storage and manipulation. It allows a seamlessly switch between different software implementations of the matrix operations.

DBCSR is an optimized library to deal with sparse matrices, which appear frequently in many kind of numerical simulations.

In DBCSR@MatrixSwitch, DBCSR capabilities have been added to MatrixSwitch as an optional library dependency.

To carry out calculations in serial mode may be too slow sometimes and a parallelisation strategy is needed. Serial/parallel MatrixSwitch employs Lapack/ScaLapack to perform matrix operations, irrespective of their dense or sparse character. The disadvantage of the Lapack/ScaLapack schemes is that they are not optimised for sparse matrices. DBCSR provides the necessary algorithms to solve this problem and in addition is specially suited to work in parallel.

Direct link to module documentation: https://e-cam.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Electronic-Structure-Modules/modules/MatrixSwitchDBCSR/readme.html
