New publication is out: “Adaptive Resolution Molecular Dynamics Technique: Down to the Essential”


A new publication by the Theoretical and Mathematical Physics in Molecular Simulation group of the Freie Universität Berlin, lead by Prof. Luigi Delle Site, E-CAM partner, was published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. In it, the authors study the application of the thermodynamic force in the coupling region of an adaptive resolution molecular dynamics simulation (AdResS) approach which assures thermodynamic equilibrium and proper exchange of molecules between atomistically resolved and coarse-grained regions.

The publication post-print version is open access and can be downloaded directly from the Zenodo repository here. The publisher AIP version can be found at

This work was performed in the context of the E-CAM pilot project on the development of the GC-AdResS scheme, which is a collaboration with MODAL AG. One of its goals is to develop a library or recipe with which GC-AdResS can be implemented in any MD Code. The current focus is to adjust the implemented version of GC-AdResS in GROMACS. The long-term goal of this project is to promote and stimulate the community to use it as a tool for multiscale simulations and analysis. More information about this pilot project can be found here.


Title: Adaptive Resolution Molecular Dynamics Technique: Down to the Essential

Authors: Christian Krekeler, Animesh Agarwal, Christoph Junghans, Matej Praprotnik, Luigi Delle Site

Abstract: We investigate the role of the thermodynamic (TD) force, as an essential and sufficient technical ingredient for an efficient and accurate adaptive resolution algorithm. Such a force applied in the coupling region of an adaptive resolution Molecular Dynamics (MD) set-up, assures thermodynamic equilibrium between atomistically resolved and coarse-grained regions, allowing the proper exchange of molecules. We numerically prove that indeed for systems as relevant as liquid water and 1,3-dimethylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid, the combined action of the TD force and thermostat allows for computationally efficient and numerically accurate simulations, beyond the current capabilities of adaptive resolution set-ups, which employ switching functions in the coupling region.
