In this report for Deliverable 3.3 of E-CAM [1], 6 software modules in quantum dynamics are presented. Four modules stem from some of the activities performed during the Extended Software Development Workshop (ESDW) held by E-CAM at University College Dublin in July 2017 and originate from input of E-CAM’s academic user base. The other two modules were developed following discussions with our industrial partner IBM, in the framework of E-CAM’s pilot project on Quantum Computing.
Following the order of presentation, the 6 modules are named: LocConQubit, OpenQubit, PaPIM, PIM_wd, PIM_qcf, Openmpbeads. They include code for generation of controlled pulses for qubits and for calculation of quantum time correlation functions and their documentation.
In this report, a short description is written for each module, followed by a link to the respective Merge-Request on theGitLab service of E-CAM. These merge requests contain detailed information about the code development, testing and documentation of the modules. A performance analysis for PaPIM, a package merging the functionality of several modules for quantum dynamics developed in E-CAM and structured to act as a high-performance container for future modules, is also presented. This analysis was performed by the E-CAM software group, in collaboration with the POP Center of Excellence for Computing Applications.
[1] S. Bonella, M. Mališ, A. O’Cais, and L. Liang, “D3.3.: Quantum dynamics e-cam modules ii,” Mar. 2018. [Online]. Available: report available here.